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05.05.03 - 1:14 p.m.

Not doing too shabby for a Monday.

I am very much over any anger I felt about the destruction of my backyard. I mean, sure, I spent a lot of time digging,planting, and reseeding the whole back yard, but they are just plants and they can be planted again. It's not like I was surprised. It really isn't like me to 'stew,' anyway. I can't hold onto a thought that long to keep up the anger. I did milk it a bit with D., yesterday. It was fun.

My baby sis called me today at work. She said that she is going to have to testify in some of the drug busts she made. So, this means that it is pretty much out now that she and her boyfriend were the ones who set up all of these Meth dealers. She doesn't sound too worried, but then she is a bit like me, in that the "mass-reality" is quite a bit different than the one we fabricate. Trust me, this little trick saved us quite a few times growing up, but also screws us at times now that we are adults...well, mostly adults.

I am worried about her, of course. The rage of an angry redneck whose meth has been cut off, or at least been made more difficult to obtain, is pretty intense. Something has been put into motion by her actions. It is just a matter of time before we see what that is. The wings of butterfly flapping on an island causing a stock market crash, or something.

Mom talked to me a bit, too. She thanked me for telling her that Lacey was pregnant. Of course, I never did. Lacey, finally did over the weekend. I don't think she had much choice...her belly was getting a bit round. Now, I just sit back and watch my other sisters tear her apart for her horrible moral choices. Well, actually, I won't just 'sit back,' I am a bit too outspoken and protective of the underdog for that. It is going to be, yet another, interesting time for my family.

Well, I better eat some lunch and get back to work.



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